Marriott Curaçao front view renovation

We understand the importance of maintaining historical landmark buildings and enhancing their visual appeal.

Our team of experienced professionals will work towards restoring the Marriott Hotel Frontage to its former glory. This project will involve cleaning up the exterior brickwork, repairing masonry, restoring the roofing, and giving the windows and doors a much-needed update. Our flexible and dedicated team will use only the highest quality of materials to ensure that the restoration process is not only swift but also long-lasting. We will ensure that the restored Marriott Hotel will blend in seamlessly with its surroundings while also showcasing its unique history.

The result of this project will be welcoming, appealing, and impressive. At Amir Construction Contractor, we never compromise on quality and always deliver beyond expectations.

Amir Construction Services and maintenance

At Amir Construction Company, we provide construction services and maintenance for your commercial project, as well as planning, managing, and building your dreams!

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Amir Construction Services and maintenance

Let us inspire you for exceptional planning and clean execution of your commercial and industrial construction project in Curaçao Island and the Caribbean.

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